Performance Feeds, LLC

"At the end of the day, Performance Pays"
About Us
Performance Feeds was organized in an effort to bring the lowest cost of gains to producers in our area. Realizing there was a need in his own operation for a dependable source of nutrition for his stocker operation, founder, Tony Ferguson sought out the nutritional support to help develop a line of feed products that offers low cost of gains and combining that with dependable customer service, to help others experience the same profitability as Mr. Ferguson.
Today, Performance Feeds services farms across the southeast including Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina. With a continually expanding footprint of manufacturing facilities, Performance Feeds works to grow our trade area in an effort to offer our products to the entire southeast.
Our Services
With services ranging from Animal Health Products to various Feed Products, we ensure our customers have the best quality products at the best prices.
Our specialists are always ready to help customers find exactly what they are looking for. Contact a feed specialist today to start improving your profitability!
What makes us the most reliable?
Simple! We focus all of our efforts to:
Produce Top Quality Products
Maximize Your Profitability
Earn Your Satisfaction